Student Finds Lamborghini And Ferrari Left Untouched For 20 Years In Grandma’s Garage
Grandparents, from past experiences, tend to have a lot of unused stuff tucked away in their houses.
My grandad’s cellar had a couple of recycled bikes that’d been passed down from cousin-to-cousin, a few saws and tools. I’m pretty sure there was a punching bag, too. Good old no-nonsense stuff.
Way up in the attic, which was surprisingly massive for a relatively humble home, there was a medium-sized pool table.
Unfortunately there were no Lamborghinis knocking about, which eight-year-old me would’ve just loved!
But hey, I’m not gonna sit here and be bitter about one grandchild recently venturing into their grandma’s garage to discover a dusty, abandoned 1981 Lambo Countach and a Ferrari 308 valued at £80,000.
The find was made by Reddit user eriegin, who posted a picture of the white vehicle with the caption: ‘Despite the rust and dust, grandma’s 1981 Lamborghini Countach is the coolest.’
Her post was met with demands for more pictures and questions asking why they had been stored for decades.
Eriegin responded:
My late Grandpa bought it for his exotic car rental business in 1989, but after insurance costs became too high for him to operate the company, he kept the car (and many others including the Ferrari 308 in front of the Lambo) outside and in leaky garages for 20+ years instead of selling them.
Don’t ask me why, I have no clue.
She later added:
Let’s clear some things up: these aren’t my cars and probably never will be, they’re not for sale (yet), they’ve been in this garage for less than 15 years and everyone’s known they were there, so not really a “barn find.” Also, to correct Lawrence Adams’ linked article and for anyone else who’s wondering, u/eriegin is a female.
And the guy in the pic just happens to be my very lucky boyfriend who came to see the Countach and assess it’s condition/sit in it and make engine noises.
I’m glad this picture has elicited so much amazement and joy from the people of the internet, and that was my sole objective in sharing it. My grandma isn’t senile, lives a quiet life, stays busy, and once again, these cars are not mine, so no. You can’t interview either of us for your classic car magazine/website/newsletter/whatever else. Sorry. And thanks for your interest.
The white Lamborghini, similar to the one seen in 2013’s The Wolf of Wall Street, doesn’t come cheap.
With Countach production lasting over 15 years, the early LP400 and LP 400S models remain the most desirable to collectors and enthusiasts, Sotheby’s claim. Not only for their performance but also for their ‘rarity and excellent design.’
It offers slight updates over the Gandini’s original design and provides welcome updates to the LP 400 both inside and out, they add.
They say a 1981 Lamborghini Countach LP 400s sold for £263,200 in London in 2015, so this Redditor who brought her grandma’s to our attention should probably think about taking the whole thing more seriously. Personally, I’d flog the hunk of metal for a couple of grand. I’m talking four-figures.
