Message to Nigerian youths

Good day my dear youths. My name is Jackson Jeffrey a Nigerian..As you knw youths are the driving force of a nation. We are the mechanism for destruction and of peace. The politicians knw this fact that is why they fall back to youth during election period. That is why they pay us money to kill one another, that is why they pay us money to steal ballot boxes for their gain. That is why they keep us in hunger Nd poverty. Truth be told youths the 30k, 50k 100k given to you to kill Nd to destroy properties is not wealth, it's nothing compared to what these politicians give to their children has pocket money. They knw it's dangerous to pick up a gun and fight because yr life is on the line that's why their children stay at home under the protection of police while you and I kill ourselves for what? Over the man that does not have our interest in heart or mind. Their children are not better than you and I we are all created by God and have equal potentials. Truth be told we are even better than some of their spoilt brats they have for children. Youths it's time for us to wake up and live for our interest and not the interest of another man. We own the nation. Let's vote for the man and not the party dont kill urself because of one dumb party. PDP APC NPC etc are all the same thing it is the same pple that run from one party to the other. Don't let these men manipulate you again it's high time we made a right decision that will affect our lives. Any politician that approaches you to kill and do otherwise does not have u in heart u just want to gain from your blood and dump u. Com to think of it since you have bin killing for these men hw has ur life been?? Where's the positive impact of it ? Hw much wealth have u possessed? What amount of respect to you get?? What level have u gotten academically? What have u archived?. If you have no answers to these questions it proves you have been wasting ur time and life for no reason and most importantly if u die ur soul will go to hell. The politician might not join u there he might repent Nd get saved after destroying your life.. so pls my youths I beg you this time around. vote for your future vote with your PVC shun the fighting Nd killing because of elections that are meaningless. It is your time to shine . say no to electorial violence #voteforyourfuture. join the campaign and make the lives of our youths better.. #voteforyourfuture.
