Lost uncle of ceo gmn events nd shows found

The wasini family is on a cheerful mood as their brother, father, uncle who was lost for almost a week was found on the 25th of august alive but weak with poor health condition  in port hacourt..

He was found by his tenant known as mama fejiro on her way to the market who recognized him. She called the family in yenegoa bayelsa state and was brought back home safe. He has being hospitalized and is been taken care of properly.

The family is grateful for the miracle and expresses their joy..  According to his son
''My dad, TALENT IYAINIMO WASINI have been Found... He was found@PH town by one his tenant and was brought back safe and sound to Us.
First and foremost I give God almighty all the thanks for keeping him safe and the lesson learnt
Secondly I want to thank mama fejiro ( the tenant who found him) and the whole family and friends involved in the search hunt for him...
Third and not the least I want to thank everyone of you for the shares, calls, SMS , and Words of encouragement and support giving to me and my family through out the period..
God bless you all 🙏😘''

Photos below


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